Walk the Walk

The Basics:

Line players in two equal lines that are facing each other across the room. Have them stand as far apart as the room will allow without anything in between them. (About 15 feet is an optimal distance if you are in a gym or outside.) If there is an odd number of players the teacher needs to join them! At the word go, the first two players facing each other start walking toward each other with a silly walk of their own invention, while the rest of the group watches. When they reach each other in the middle of the playing area, they switch and finish the walk imitating the walk that their partner was doing. This pattern continues down the line until everyone has had a turn.

In the Classroom:

  • This is a great way to give kids permission to be silly and creative. It promotes a light-hearted atmosphere that should be embraced.

  • Encourage them to laugh and enjoy each other’s walks! Model that behavior!!

  • If there isn’t an open area, it is possible to line them up on either side of the room and have them walk just in the front of the room. This would require that each pair walk to the end of the line when they are done, and for the rest of the line to shift over after each performance.

  • This may seem like a game for younger kids, but in my experience, the older the performers the more they get out of it! Children don’t need permission to act silly—its what they do! Adults on the other hand must be reminded over and over again!!! For young kids it becomes an activity in controlling and focusing their silliness.

Curriculum Connections:

  • This game is great for my improv classes, because it is one of those “get out of your comfort zone” activities, but it isn’t threatening at all. If you nee to get a group to lighten up and be creative with each other than this is a good game to start the class. It is fun, quick and it sets a fun tone.

  • It is also a good game to pull out if you feel that the students have been sitting and focused for too long. It increases energy and gets them moving!


This game is part of Brown University’s Artslit program. It is a fabulous program that works to connect the arts and literacy.

Here is a link to the website: Artslit.org

I also recommend the book that describes the process: A Reason To Read by Eileen Landay and Kurt Wootton